About Me

I am Aditi Maurya, a final-year student at the Indian Institute Of Information Technology and Management, Gwalior, India. I have been practicing Web Development for over a year and a half. I have professional experience as well. I did two internships for three months each as a full-stack developer, and am currently working as a Web Developer Intern in Wesence Technologies, India.

  • Programming Languages
    C++, JavaScript, TypeScript, SQL
  • Development
    Node.js, Express.js, Nest.js, Bootstrap, HTML5, CSS, React, Redux, AWS Lambda
  • Databases
    MongoDB, MySQL, GraphQL, PostgresSQL
  • Tools
    Git, Postman, LaTex, PhotoShop, GraphQL Playground
  • Coursework
    Data Structures, Operating Systems, Computer Networks, Database Management System, OOPs
  • September 2023 - Present
    Web Developer Intern at Wesence Technologies
  • May 2023 - July 2023
    SDE Intern at Onelab Ventures
  • May 2022 - July 2022
    Full Stack Web Developer Intern at Outshade Digital Media
  • 2024
    Integrated B.Tech and M.Tech (IT) from IIIT Gwalior
  • 2018
    Intermediate from Modern Academy, Lucknow
  • 2016
    High School from CMS, Lucknow

My Software Development Skills

Backend Development

I build the backend architecture of web applications using Node.js, Nest.js and Express.js. With a focus on scalability, performance, and maintainability, I design and implement server-side solutions that seamlessly integrate with front-end technologies.

MERN Stack Development

I develop web applications using the MERN (MongoDB, Express.js, React.js, Node.js) Stack, combining my passion for coding with a keen eye for creating intuitive and efficient user experiences.

My Projects

Pro Shop

ProShop is an e-commerce web application created with MERN Stack and Redux. It provides a full-featured shopping experience with various functionalities for users and administrators.

Virtual Permissions

Virtual Permissions is an application designed to manage and verify guest access in small organizations or societies. It provides a secure verification system using passes, allowing authorized guests to enter the campus or premises.

Hope Givers

HopeGivers is a web platform where you can upload and donate your used and discarded garrments, toys and books for the underprivileged. Upload, explore items and donation centres are the functionalities of the application.

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